Putin's Historical Revisionism?

If you caught any of the Putin interview last night, you were treated first to a 20-minute dissertation on the history of Rus over a period of twelve centuries. Putin asked Tucker if he thought it was boring at one point. It was actually funny to see Tucker’s face as he struggled to see how this history related to the Ukraine war.

Video: Putin's Historical Revisionism?
Putin's Historical Revisionism?
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Within minutes, Liberal commentators accused Putin of propagandizing with a “revisionist history.”

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Ukraine's Coming Neo-Nazi Coup and Civil War

A collage of a photo of a right-wing rally in honor of Stepan Bandera; and the tweet (right) from the Ukrainian parliament on January 1, 2023 showing General Valerii Zaluzhny honoring the birthday of Ukrainian Nazi collaborator, Stepan Bandera, which is celebrated each year with midnight marches on New Year's Eve.

A power struggle among Ukraine’s ultra-nationalists looms on the horizon. The Nazi problem has only increased since 2022 and must be addressed. Although it sounds cruel, self-cleansing is the ideal way.

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DEBUNKED: Zelenskyy 60 Minutes Interview

In a recent 60 Minutes Interview, the interviewer and and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made several dubious claims. In the “following video”: https://youtu.be/-cw3gulknl0 I debunk several points.

Video: DEBUNKED: Zelenskyy 60 Minutes Interview
DEBUNKED: Zelenskyy 60 Minutes Interview
Click play to connect to youtube
  1. The domino theory. Putin plans to conquer the whole of Europe.
  2. Putin is not the enemy. The enemy is the whole of the Russian people who support Putin.
  3. Russia bombs civilians and commits war crimes. Ukraine does not. Ukraine does not hit civilian targets in Russia with drones. If they do, they have a right to.
  4. If only the West had given Ukraine more weapons they would have defeated Russia. Now the whole world has to unite to defeat Russia to avoid (or cause?) WWIII.
  5. The war (and cocaine addiction?) has taken a toll on Zelensky.
  6. Russia (1.3 million troops) and Ukraine (500,000) have no professional army left.
  7. Putin will go on threatening nuclear war. (He’s never done so in any speech or statement.)
  8. The interviewer asks about Ukraine negotiating in exchange for land. (Zelensky had a law passed forbidding negotiations with Putin.)

The most outrageous statement was to say that neither Russia nor Ukraine have any professional troops left. This is just beyond irresponsible reporting.

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The Russia Ukraine Conflict: Shifting Media Narratives

Looking at the struggle between the liberal west and the nations of Russia and China, it is easy to get swept up into the hype of the “good vs. evil” narrative. As Christians, we need to see God’s providence in all of it in advancing the kingdom. A big part of this will need to be clearing the legacy media’s smokescreens. How can we discern reality from false narratives?

My thesis is that the western liberal globalism will fail and civilization states will emerge in its place in a multipolar world within the next few years. It is happening more quickly than I first imagined. Just yesterday, lasting peace was achieved in the Middle East. This is something we haven’t seen in centuries. The liberals must applaud this while simultaneously and hypocritically condemning the “bad actors” we were at war with just a few days ago. But how can we resist? The US neocons and neoliberals can’t afford to wage war against the direction of the whole world.

Soon we will see a big shift in the Liberal narrative concerning the Ukraine conflict.

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Why the US Does Not Want the Ukraine War to End

Why the US Does Not Want the Ukraine War to End is a fair treatment of the complex history of the Russia-Ukraine saga over the past 30 years. I recommend this video highly. I don’t agree with every point this YouTuber makes, but it is well-produced and more cogent and succinct than anything I have seen for its length. It is either a good primer or a refresher depending on your knowledge level of the Ukraine conflict. The thesis of the video is that this is a war the West wanted. NATO wanted a pro-western government in Ukraine, not to help Ukrainians, but to weaken and break up Russia. Therefore, the Western alliance does not want the war to end until this is accomplished. At the same time, the video does not whitewash the motivations and actions of Russia, but suggests that Putin’s actions are not those of a madman, but those of a reasonable president trying to protect Russia’s interests. The video rightly points out that America used our own military force to prevent Soviet influence near our borders many times in the past.

I have been to Russia and Ukraine 12 times since 1991. I learned about each of the Ukrainian presidential elections both through the news and firsthand conversations with Ukrainians. I was initially supportive of the Orange Revolution in 2004, which eventually brought Viktor Yushchenko to power. It seemed to be a people’s movement, but in truth both presidents on either side of that conflict, Yushchenko and Yanukovych, ended up being incredibly corrupt. I also followed the changes after 2014 to the current Euro-Maidan presidents, Poroshenko and Zelenskyy, and the beginning of the war in the Donbas regions. The common denominator is that each president promised to end corruption in Ukraine and better the economic situation. Each invariably ended up being at least as corrupt as his predecessor.

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After the Overturn of Roe v. Wade: Personhood for All!


A New Wave of Support to Protect all Preborn Human Life in the State of Florida!

Personhood Florida, Protect Human Life Florida, and dozens of biblically based sanctity of life organizations and leaders have teamed up to promote the Human Life Protection Amendment!

This is a state constitutional amendment initiative recognizing the God-given right to life of the preborn individual. It defines by law a “preborn individual” as a human person at any stage of development. The amendment would recognize and protect all innocent preborn human life from conception and is the only active pro-life citizen initiative currently registered with the Florida Division of Elections.

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The Economist: Russia's economy in recovery, West's about to collapse

While Europe teeters on the brink of recession, Russia is emerging from one. Real-time data shows a subdued but strengthening economy (“As Europe falls into recession, Russia climbs out,” The Economist, 10/16/2022).

The Economist is about as anti-Russian and neocon of a publication as there is. A few months ago, they were saying that the Russian economy was being bolstered by their increased energy income, but was still in a precarious state. A few months before that, they were saying that the Russian economic recovery numbers were smoke and mirrors. Now they’re saying in essence, “We have to admit Russia’s recovery is for real, while Europe is headed for a collapse.”

How did this happen?

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Largest Missile Attacks in Ukraine Yet - Eyewitness Account

A detailed map of the hit objects and brief description. Just turn on the translation. CHPP – stands for Coal Heated Power Plant — Aftershock News.

This is the eyewitness assessment from a life-long Kiev, Ukraine resident who asked to remain anonymous. In recent years, it has become common place for any person can be harassed or even killed for expressing divergent opinions with no resulting punishment.

KIEV, Ukraine (Forerunner) – There is no comparison between what happened at the beginning of the conflict in February and the missile attacks yesterday. In February, we had few missile attacks in Kiev and other cities. The main targets were military objects or objects used by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The rest were explosions by intercepted Russian Armed Forces missiles or misguided Ukrainian air-defense missiles.

In contrast, yesterday and today’s [10/10/22 and 10/11/22] attacks were more devastating. Cruise missiles hit power plants, high voltage power lines, communication hubs, military and intelligence buildings. That was not common until now. Even when Russian Armed Forces troops were just miles from Kiev earlier this year, electric networks, internet, etc., were working. Unlike then, now we see mass electricity shutdowns in major cities (metro, tramways not working, elevators in residential buildings are off for safety reasons, no cold and/or hot water, etc.). It looks like the Russian Armed Forces started “US army style” conventional strikes.

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